On being smart, sexy, and nervous as hell

Over the last two Saturdays I have been invited to be involved with events totally out of my comfort zone- modelling in a friend’s fashion show and speaking publicly as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival. I think it is so important and exciting to challenge ourselves and to try new things, but gee it’s nerve-wracking! It’s funny as in the past when I have said I’m nervous about doing something, people say- That’s crazy, you’re on the radio every week! But it’s not that simple, and speaking from a solitary studio is very different from facing a crowd- either on a catwalk or from a podium, and it’s a different way of engaging and creating repoire. So, managing my nerves is something I want to develop (if anyone has any tips) but it won’t stop me from doing things that scare the hell out of me!


It was such a great day talking reading, writing, and ideas yesterday out at Ballarat’s M.A.D.E and I felt really chuffed to be involved. As one of the younger speakers, along with my Ballarat Writers compadre Melissa Watts, it was incredibly inspiring to hear from a wide range of strong females (as yes, looking around M.A.D.E and the event itself, women are playing a big and rich role. You can listen to my interview with M.A.D.E director Jane Smith– a good woman indeed.)

The event was also screened at Fed Square in Melbourne. My sweet mama went there to watch but unfortunately with my session being last, it didn’t make it to the screen- the footy had to come on! ah life, but she says she did see some shots of me in the audience of an earlier session. She and so many others are such good supporters of me and my adventures.

My involvement with these two particular events also fits with ongoing learning about it being ok to be both sexy and smart (and of course how these things are entwined). This is the kind of thing that you can be told many times but I think is something you have to find your own peace/style with.

Things are looking pretty bleak politically right now but it was great to see Greens leader Christine Milne speak in Ballarat during the week with a focus on the arts, so, as ever artists are vital both as the end of the world hurtles closer, and in helping to create better worlds, more ‘generous, thoughtful, and sexy’ (thank you Ashton/Chris Kutcher! Well worth watching this wise and honest speech).

And why not look good while we’re at it!

Amy and Liana

With the lovely Liana Skewes, dressed in Chitra’s Closet

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